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_terimber_xml_value_ Union Reference

#include <value.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

bool boolVal
sb1_t cVal
ub1_t bVal
sb2_t iVal
ub2_t uiVal
sb4_t lVal
ub4_t ulVal
float fltVal
const double * dblVal
const sb8_tintVal
const ub8_tuintVal
const long double * ldblVal
const guid_tguidVal
const char * strVal
const wchar_twstrVal
const ub1_tbufVal

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file value.h.

Member Data Documentation

const long double* _terimber_xml_value_::ldblVal

Definition at line 55 of file value.h.

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file:

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