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Recent news:

14 September 2009
Terimber is excited to open most of its source code for free download and usage under Terimber license.
Source code includes portable (Windows, Linux, and MacX) C++ libraries:
Thread pool
Asynchronous sockets management
Asynchronous files management
Completion Port implementation for Linux
Database access (Oracle, MySQL, ODBC)
DB in memory with partial and fuzzy match
XML Designer

15 March 2009
Fixes for hash algorithms MD5 and SHA256.

15 January 2009
x32/x64 compatibility support for all libraries.

06 March 2008
Terimber opens the source code for some of its libraries.

18 July 2007
Memdb bug fixes.

06 June 2007
x64 compatability for source code. Work around bugs in VS 2005.

25 March 2007
Bugs fixed:
DB access library (stored procedures output parameters).
XML Designer (big xml files other than utf-8 encoding).

28 January 2007
DB access library now supports bulk operations (only ODBC part). Performance for bulk operations (select, insert, update, delete) has increased about 9 times. Oracle lib bulk support will be added soon.

29 November 2006
Terimber Fuzzy Match library is open for free download. This is the high-performance portable fuzzy match library for single words and n-grams.

29 September 2006
Star Gate library and its source code is open for free download. Star Gate is a skeleton for high-performance portable socket clients and servers development.

14 September 2006
Fixed numeric class conversions in base library. DB and Crypt libraries are affected as well.

31 August 2006
Fixed Linux version of event & semaphore. Developed the Completion Port functionality for Linux. Base and Net libraries affected.

21 July 2006
Fixed DTD ANY content type processing for XML Designer.

09 June 2006
Fixed ISO-8859-1 encoding bug for XML Designer.

07 March 2006
Added Windows-1251 encoding support to the XML Designer.

04 March 2006 - 2006 plans are announced:
1. Extend the open source examples.
2. Provide a very powerful portable C++ library for high-performance searchable database in memory with build-in partial and fuzzy match.
3. Build standalone xml/socket server (Windows Service/Linux daemon) as the end solution for cache database based on above C++ library. The source code will be opened.

03 March 2006 - Terimber Corporation offers for free download VC7.0 (.NET) version of following libraries (socketport, threadpool, dbaccess, crypt, and msg2).
Microsoft Corporation does not support Visual Studio 6.0 C++ compiler any more. Correspondently Terimber Corporation will no longer automatically update VC6.0 binaries only upon the direct request from our customers.

04 January 2006 - Minor bugs fixed in Socket Port and XML designer libraries.

10 December 2005 - Socket Port interface extended for tracking each asynchronous socket request by user data ident.

28 November 2005 - Socket Port minor bug fixes - affects Message Port 2 as well.

12 November 2005 - Message Port now can accepting the incoming connections more flexible. The signature of the listen method has been changed.

9 November 2005 - XML method remove_node has been fixed.

11 August 2005 - The new comprehensive examples were published for free download in order to demonstrate how to use Terimber libraries.

26 October 2005 - XML, Msg2 libraries minor bugs have been fixed.

11 August 2005 - The new comprehensive examples were published for free download in order to demonstrate how to use Terimber libraries.

Terimber corporation makes available for free download the C++ Portable Crypt library including hash, symmetric, PKI asymmetric and base64 encoding algorithms.

New version of all libraries is available. Some bugs were fixed and some interfaces were extended.
Message Port 2 is a next generation of the Message Port family. Available for Windows 9x/2000/XP/2003 (RPC, socket, and p2p protocols) and Linux OS (socket and p2p protocols).

Now our clients can download the Linux version of Socket Port C++ and Db Access C++ libraries.

Terimber Corporation was asked to publish the Linux version of Thread Pool C++ library. We are happy to announce that now you can download Linux version of Thread pool as well.

Terimber Corporation continues the improvement of socket libraries and generously offers Socket Port C++ library with automatically OS detection and completely asynchronous multithreaded socket management.

New version of all libraries is available. Some bugs were fixed and some interfaces were extended.
For example:
1. Message Port includes p2p protocol (http upon sockets), initialization as well as configuration now can be done in a runtime without external ini file.
2. Socket Pool provides information about socket address and port for connected peers.

Terimber Corporation opens for free download Socket Pool C++ library for multithreaded, cross-platform asynchronous socket management.

Terimber offers Thread Pool C++ library as a high-performance, automatic thread management for multi-threaded, multiplatform applications.

We are opening the source code of some portable base classes like thread, mutex, event, semaphore, gate, timer for free download.

Terimber offers the uniform C++ DB access library, which will provide the uniform client interface for different DB servers: ORACLE, MS SQL, ODBC, ...

The new Terimber DB access will give users the powerful, high-performance DB access with customized memory management and asynchronical DB requests.

Terimber Corporation offers a pilot product - the best high-performance XML Designer Kit including parser, navigator, constructor and persister as one object.

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