Public Member Functions |
virtual | ~terimber_memtable () |
| destructor user is responsible for destoying the memtable object
virtual const char * | get_last_error ()=0 |
| returns the last occured error
virtual bool | populate (dbserver *server, size_t start_row, size_t max_rows)=0 |
| creates internal table structure from server object db_server has to be after executing query or stored procedure and ready to fetch data memtable automatically detects the list of columns in recordset and creates a table in the memory with the same columns' order and types. max_rows sets a restriction on max rows to be retrived, -1 - all of them start_row means absolute number of row to start with unless you specify 0, then memtable starts with the current row to create an empty table, the fake select can be used for instanse, select CAST(0 as NUMBER) as col1, CAST('' as VARCHAR2(255)) as col2 from dual; or you can specifiy the max_rows = 0
virtual bool | create (size_t columns, const terimber_table_column_desc desc[])=0 |
| the other alternative is to create an empty table in the memory is specification the list of columns descriptions explicitly
virtual void | refresh ()=0 |
| resets all new, updates rows status to original, removes deleted rows updates all indexes
virtual size_t | get_row_count ()=0 |
| after populating and at any time after that you can request the number of rows in table
virtual size_t | get_column_count () const =0 |
| columns description is pretty much the same as db_server provides
virtual dbtypes | get_column_type (size_t index) const =0 |
| returns the virtual terimber dbtype like db_bool, ...
virtual const char * | get_column_name (size_t index) const =0 |
| returns the name of the column
virtual bool | get_column_nullable (size_t index) const =0 |
| returns the nullable - database specific
virtual size_t | get_column_scale (size_t index) const =0 |
| returns the scale
virtual size_t | get_column_precision (size_t index) const =0 |
| returns the precision
virtual size_t | get_column_max_length (size_t index) const =0 |
| returns the length of the column (only for fixed length columns)
virtual terimber_memindex * | add_index (size_t columns, const terimber_index_column_info info[])=0 |
| create index to perform the quick search columns the size of index info - array of index column descriptions returns the new created memindex object user must not to use object after returning it back or after memtable will be destoyed this is an expensive operation in order to consume memory and CPU time
virtual bool | remove_index (terimber_memindex *obj)=0 |
| destroys index memtable data is still valid all memlookups on the current index will be destroyed!
virtual terimber_db_value_vector * | allocate_db_values (size_t count)=0 |
| requests value array
virtual void | destroy_db_values (terimber_db_value_vector *obj)=0 |
| destroys value array